SitePrint is an AppleScript application that allows you to print several HTML files with Netscape by dropping them onto the SitePrint icon.
SitePrint requires that the AppleScript extension (OSAX) AutoType v. 1.1ur or later is installed in the System's Scripting Addition folder.
AutoType is an OSAX written by James Davis to allow simulated keystrokes from a script. AutoType allows you to automate applications that don't support AppleScript. Netscape Navigator 3.0 support AppleScript with the notable exception for printing a document, so SitePrint use AutoType to press Cmd-P followed by Return for each file that is to be printed. If you use SitePrint you should register AutoType, $5.
SitePrint do not work with Navigator 4.0b5 (and possible not the 4.0 release).
More information regarding AutoType and a download link can be found on AutoType's home page:
Drop the file "AutoType Unreg OSAX" into the folder named "Scripting Additions" located in the Extension folder in your System folder. You can now use the AppleScript application SitePrint to print several files with Netscape Navigator 2.x and 3.x.
Select the HTML files to be printed in Finder and drop these onto the SitePrint application icon.
If you drop a folder, all text files in the folder and any sub folders are printed. SitePrint is set to not print files inside a PageSpinner Include folder.
The first time you run the script you will be asked to locate your copy of Netscape Navigator. If you upgrade to a new version of Navigator, you should manually launch the new version before using SitePrint. The script will then remember the location of the new version of Netscape Navigator.
Use of this AppleScript application is free for registered PageSpinner users, but register AutoType if you use it.